Stillllllllll loving Janette's fresh and seriously funny approach to waiting for "the one"…I know I've posted her link before…but some things are just worth the ol' rewind selector…!!
Soooo lets get real…if you're still waiting for "the one" then I'm betting that its definitely a regular place of soulsearching for you…so many factors to consider…serious thoughts…deep questions i'm sure you're asking yourself whilst on this journey of waiting…like…oooooh my gosh…am I even ready to even settle down?…Am I any closer to being the Proverbs 31 woman?…Am I emotionally, mentally, physically and financially stable enough to enter into a marriage…? What am I even doing to prepare for marriage? How am I dealing with delay…and the idea that my biological clock is tick tick ticking away in the meanwhile…??
How about if I am spiritually mature enough?…or am I willing to live for someone else and share my life with another? Does God have someone specific in mind for me…? How committed am I to waiting for him? How confident in God am I that my husband will actually find me?…Do I already know him?…and if I do then how do I feel about that…What if my husband is not physically what I like..or is even a wee bit of a pleb…hehe? Is my security in God or in getting hitched…Why do I even want to get married…? And what am I prepared to settle for…? Am I prepared to wait for the best and to keep telling all the jokers out there to get stepping???
Wow…questions…questions…questions…but all soooooooooo relevant…and if you're already getting to the heart of all the necessary probing and addressing these issues then game on to you…if you're not asking yourself any of these questions and just assuming that you're ready to tie the knot just because you're old enough…or you're eager for a wedding…or simply because you want a shag…then "steady on mate"…and lets actually think seriously about all the commitment involved eh?! Smiles…
All I can say my little lollipops is…let's consider the answers to these questions - but refuse to live in search of them…let's totaaally enjoy the wait…focusing wholeheartedly on God, and upon being the very best person that we have been called to be…living life LARGE and joyfully continuing on with this crazy, mad adventure called destiny…totally seizing each day, with eternity in mind…and when "the one" finally shows up…trust me…we'll be soooo ready…and it won't be because we focused on "the waiting for Mr or Mrs Right" but because we were busy living life to the max to fulfil a destiny that is far far faaaaaaaaaaaaaar bigger than just marriage…
x x x