I have always found that before God is about to do a crazy delicious work in an area of my life He will usually draw my attention to the particular area where there's a glitch in the matrix. Sometimes this is a pleasant experience and other times it is almost crippling. Sometimes I'm immediately aware that it's God revealing this area to me and at other times my world comes crashing in first before I even clock that it's actually God who is allowing this area to be exposed. Either way, once He has highlighted the place that He is about to touch, He begins to get to work doing only what He can in my heart. As miraculous turnaround comes in that area - sometimes quickly, sometimes over a long period - I am never in doubt about His wonder working power...I am never mistaken about who bought the change and who gets all the glory. Only the Great Physician can so mercifully diagnose areas of hidden brokenness and sorrow, torment and fear. Who else can touch the broken, offended, bitter, misused, wounded, fearful, rejected, abused, angry, isolated places deep in our souls and bring beauty for ashes, but God.
You see, when God sheds the spotlight on some very tender places in your heart...when He begins to reveal areas that need work...areas that need restoration...when He begins to highlight unhealthy mind sets and destructive behaviour...when He begins to purge and prune and bring to the surface tender truths and painful realities...when it hurts so much you simply can't breath...when God's consuming fire falls and the stirrings of the Holy Spirit kick in so powerfully that you are rendered continuously restless knowing change must occur...you simply cannot remain in the same posture. Resolve must come...when you are forced to be naked...forced to be authentic, real and raw. When God is so faithful that He simply refuses to leave the stones unturned in your life and it's the most uncomfortable place...where you just want to run and forever hide, instead you are compelled to stand and fight...then rejoice beloved...because you are on the brink of a beautiful breakthrough.
And though it is so ridiculously painful, so tender, so uncomfortable and hyper sensitive, the very fact that the Holy Spirit is doing a work in this area is proof that it's all about to change. It's evidence that this area is about to be radically transformed so that Father God can make crooked paths straight...so He can intervene...flip turn the script upside down...deal with this poisonous stuff...and bring a scandalously delicious breakthrough in this very area which He in His great mercy has bought to the surface...where wounds, dysfunction, sorrow and strongholds have been built...but now MUST come tumbling down...so that we can come out winning...healed...whole...free and liberated.
So if you are going through some heavenly heart surgery right now and it's all seems so messed up, take heart because you will come out of it so mended, so beautifully restored, stronger, healthier, more love conscious and so much more like Jesus than you could ever imagine. You will also be one step closer to being the very unique creation that God has created you to be, as the layers of grave clothes are peeled away from you, and your true God ordained identity is revealed afresh.