Everybody wants to Sparkle

"When you look at me do I sparkle?"…That's what Mahoney asked the accountant in the film Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium….I watched it with my niece a while ago…when she said that I thought…cheesy cheesy lemon squeezy…but then I couldn't help but think about it a little bit more…and actually Mahoney I'm tres sorry for thinking you were mega corny…because as it happens you're not at all corny - you're just like everyone else!!

Because that's everyone's heart isn't it…to sparkle…obviously some want to sparkle more than everybody in the whole wide world…but that's not really how it should be…you can't live your life trying to be better or fitter or prettier…or more talented than everybody else…you just have to remain true to yourself and sparkle in your own special way.  That's reassuring isn't it - to know that you don't have to be the BEST EVERYTHING, only the BEST YOU…but it also means that you have to be rather darn militant about anything that tries to get in the way of this happening…

Soooooooo, as you and I prepare to enter a new year lets endeavour to get rid of everything in our lil old lives that stops us from illuminating…I'm telling ya…I reckon we'll all be walking around with invisible shades on throughout this coming year  with the sheer illumination of the lives that surround us…including mine…including yours…x x x

The Romans 8:28 Challenge

Most often than not, whenever I find myself faced with a bit of a challenge or difficult unfathomable scenario...up pops that familiar verse from Romans 8:28...that assures me that God will work all things together for the good of those that love Him and are called according to His purpose! And so whenever I do face a glitch in the matrix, I tell myself to not sweat the small stuff because according to Romans 8:28 God's got this covered…right???? Yet time and time again, if truth be told, my faith is challenged by my true level of confidence in these life giving words of seemingly great comfort. In reality, when the poo hits the fan...just how sincerely do I really believe these Words??? How confidently do I trust that YES for sure God will definitely work this hot mess out for good…and it will totally be worth it!

Image by from http://cartelthemes.com

I found myself faced afresh with the Romans 8:28 challenge this weekend as I enjoyed the best time ever at David's Tent in West Sussex...until Saturday that is, when right out of the blue came a wasp straight from the demonic realm who stung me right smack bang on my mouth!! Soooo painful...I literally deflated...all energy and joy left me...the swelling was excruciating and I looked like I'd been at war with a Botox needle. And then once that little drama settled I had to deal with a flat battery in my car and call the AA out only to be told that I would need to jumpstart my car back to London...I then lost my car keys on Sunday afternoon whilst still at David's Tent, so had to leave all my stuff in West Sussex and try and work out how I would get home to London and then back up to Brighton the next day with a spare car key, to collect all my stuff and get my motor jumpstarted. And all the while, I have Romans 8:28 brewing in my heart...yet my head is secretly whispering..."Really God? How can any good come out of this?"

I get a lift to London and in the meanwhile they find my keys at David's Tent so I arrange to come back that night and Victor...amazing amazing Victor from my church agrees to drive me back up to David's Tent. It's pitch black when we get there...the field that was only a few hours ago teeming with thousands of people, lights, worship and activity is now just empty land, silent - without any movement or even the mere glimpse of light. Two security guards are the only one's on site, and Steve, one of the guards is holding my lost car key. He drives me to my car in his buggy holding up the torch up for me whilst I pack all my stuff and load it into my car...faithful Victor works on connecting the jump leads to my car. As I pick up my bags and take them to my car I am also holding on to Romans 8:28…it keeps me focused. I start talking to Steve about random stuff. He tells me that he has had to work really long hours at David's Tent...17 hour shifts. He can't wait to have a break. He's tired. His arm is hurting really badly from an injury he got whilst mowing the lawn and he can't move it. The verse pops into my head again as I wonder if Steve will get healed tonight.

He tells me he does a tribute act for Michael Jackson when he's not on security. He comes alive suddenly with passion, talking about something he clearly enjoys. I ask him to sing for us and he does. He makes us smile and our hearts are filled with love for him. He shows us some pictures on his phone of him performing and then gets ready to go back to his post. But before he leaves I tell him we are not mad…that the last five days that he has just witnessed with thousands of people worshipping Jesus day and night in sweet abandon isn't lunacy - it's our response to Jesus' love. I tell him that Jesus loves him too and has a plan for him...and then I ask if I can pray for his arm and he's totally up for it. It's dark and chilly and we can hear the gentle humming of my car engine getting jumpstarted as we lay hands on Steve. It seems totally normal - to be praying for healing for a security guard at 10.30pm at night in a pitch black, empty field whilst waiting for a car to be jumpstarted. Smiles. The anointing is as thick as fog and it feels totally delicious. No sooner have I stopped praying, when Victor asks Steve if he'd like to say the prayer of salvation...I smile and say..."err steady on Vic, shall we maybe tell him what salvation is first?" We laugh and then I share the gospel with Steve.

We ask him again if he'd like to receive Christ as his Lord and Saviour and he says YES...his whole being says YES...the sparkle in his eyes say YES…Victor leads him into a beautiful prayer of salvation...And so Steve gives his heart to Jesus. And Romans 8:28 envelopes the atmosphere. Victor breaks it down further for him...telling him about the blood of the Lamb...the precious precious blood and what it's done for Steve....We pray over him again speaking blessing over him and his family...as we're praying, God reveals that He had divinely ordained for Steve to be at David's Tent...sitting under the heavy weighty anointing of worship as the sound of heaven was being released over this land because this precious young man was called to sing songs over this nation. I share this with Steve...he's blown away ...speechless...in awe...we talk to him about his amazing destiny...it's like the light of God has arrested him. He's visibly moved. We ask him to check his arm. He moves it in amazement - he no longer feels as much pain. We pray again and he is completely healed. He is stunned. We take his details so Victor can stay in contact with him and make sure he is able to grow in his faith… and then we part ways.

We're totally buzzing...driving back down the M23 like we're on speed...except we're not...because we don't need drugs...we're high on the goodness of God...knowing that God's Word is so faithful and trustworthy...knowing that no matter what happens...no matter how crazy things may appear to get, God will ALWAYS work it all for our good...this keeps our faith steadfast…and as we navigate through the storms of life, riding on the sure waves of Roman's 8:28...we will see God faithfully work things out for good time and time again...yet each time He drops a Romans 8:28 in the mix...no matter how much you expect it…no matter how sure you are that it will happen, when it does happen you’re once again left in complete awe...totally floored at just how ridiculously unbelievably GOOD He does actually work it all out after all…x

The Eternal Must Have...

I'm not entirely sure how I feel reading this article...on one level its totally misinformed, irreverent and a violation of who Christ is. But then in another way, the author has somehow seemed to have grasped how beautiful, gracious and just His ways are...

Yet to have all that Jesus stood for, reduced to a mere fashion fad?...And then to read that Christ is hot and on trend? Isn't that kind of totally inappropriate??? I'm thinking on some level, absolutely Yes...but if truth be told, knowing that Jesus Christ has become á la Mode, somehow kind of thrills me! To think masses of people are going to all of a sudden deem Christ attractive because Vogue - society's long reigning fashion Bible, says so...that untold fashion followers will be compelled to Google the Lamb of God to find out why this dude is dictating the trends...to know that His name is going to be splashed across fashion magazines, tabloids and style blogs simply delights me...because for Jesus to become fashionable - that's big news - to have Him show up in the fashion industry in this way is pretty darn exciting...to think He is this season's Must Have look (even with all the misconceptions) is most definitely encouraging...

Yet let's face it, confining Christ to a mere season just won't cut it...He is not someone you can adorn for Autumn/Winter and then ditch in the Spring/Summer for a newer fad...His style is eternal...so as excited as I am that Christ is on trend, I refuse to believe that He will be just a passing fad. He is not here for a mere season...instead I am convinced that He is so ready to permeate the fashion industry, so willing to arrest the hearts of the fashionistas, the style queens and trendsetters alike, that He will be far more than even a classic that never dates...but that He would become the indelible, eternal wardrobe essential that people would choose to literally never ever be seen dead without. x

Someone's Love Encounter

Your Heart is an Empty Room by Danuva.  http://www.leilunarandgodcreatedwoman.blogspot.com

Your Heart is an Empty Room by Danuva.  http://www.leilunarandgodcreatedwoman.blogspot.com

On Tuesday I was walking back from the cashpoint near my house and I saw a friend of a friend. She used to attend church when she was younger but was now far from the Lord. I asked her how she was and she shared that she was going through some heavyweight challenges - I asked if she had a minute to come to mine so we could pray and she agreed.  God so beautifully ministered to her brokenness as we sat on my sofa praying together...you could see hope arising with each moment that passed... until she finally ended up recommitting her life to the Lord right there, and we were able to pray her back into the kingdom. Yay for Jesus!! When I blessed her with some money (we all know that when God sets up a moment like this AFTER you've already been to the bank its pretty obvious He's telling you to put your money where you mouth is...haha)...she almost wept. Couldn't believe that God would show up like that...she said that she had been given reason to hope again!!

Smiles...As she left my flat a short while later she was visibly changed...she had a sparkle in her eyes and a kick in her step! She said that something like that had never happened to her before - she was so stunned. As she left, it got me thinking...that, as Christians, we can become so familiar with Gods incredible grace signs and love wonders in the kingdom - you know, get accustomed to living these amazingly miraculous lives that daily expect God to show up on our behalf with His glorious provision...strength...healing...and loving embrace...yet there are souls out there who have never once had a miraculous love encounter in their entire lives...never "knowingly" experienced God lavishing His goodness on them in a relevant and personal way...yet ONE of these encounters could radically change their day...their situation...their lives...their eternity...OH WOW...IF ONLY THE LOST AND BROKEN COULD ENCOUNTER HIS BEAUTIFUL LOVE...

"But how can people call for help if they don't know who to trust? And how can they know who to trust if they haven't heard of the One who can be trusted? And how can they hear if nobody tells them?" (Romans 10:14 MSG).

As I read this scripture I am reminded afresh that... every day, I am faced with a choice to tell other's about the One who can be trusted...every day I have untold opportunities to be a bridge between God and man...every single day, I am someone's LOVE ENCOUNTER...just waiting to happen. x

Sharing the Love 247...

We are all no doubt collectively sharing the love this month as Valentine's Day approaches…but I love that, LOVING never has to be confined to one occasion…or one month…or one person…

There are no restrictions on how to share the love…when…where…and with whom…how glorious…love is what makes this world go round…

And so…the Living in Light Handcrafted Greeting Card Collection offers a selection of Sweet Love Cupcake themed cards for you to share, not just at this time of year but all year round with anyone and everyone!!

Using metallics, mesh, felt, card, handcrafted paper and a whole array of decorative yummies the collection endeavours to share Sweet Love straight from the heart…

To buy your Cupcake themed Love Card visit http://livinginlight.co.uk or go to the Living in Light Etsy Store at http://www.etsy.com/shop/LivinginLight?page=4

Love, Light…Liberty x


Words of Life

I have always made cards - ever since I can remember. Not even sure know how young I was when I first started sharing my inners by means of a letter or handmade card. I just know that I have most often demonstrated my love, appreciation and thoughts in this way.  I guess it's because my prime love language is Words of Affirmation- not that I am confined to Words of Affirmation alone - don't get me wrong I also love the demonstration of Time, Gifts, Acts of Service and Physical Touch as ways to show someone how much I love them or appreciate them but for me I guess words quite literally say it all. They go so deep…speak so loud.  There's something so special about the life giving power of words.

And so I guess it was only a matter of time before I added greeting cards to the Living in Light Collection.  It was inevitable that I would want to share the beauty that comes from a love-filled, soul affirming handcrafted demonstration of love that is shown when we share cards and words from the heart.  So each card has a little bit of me in it.  Hope that doesn't sound wacky…haha…don't worry I don't cut a lock of hair and embed it into the paper, nor do I lick the edges of each end of the card to seal it with a bit of Bobbi…hehe…I just lovingly make each card by hand and as I make each card and think of the essence of the message I always speak Light, Love and Liberty over each piece.


This Thankful card which is the first card of the collection obviously speaks of being appreciative of someone or something.  But it's more than that.  It's a posture of grateful that goes beyond a greeting card.  It's a lifestyle.  I imagine someone buying this card for the chirpy cheeky chap who always gives out the free metro outside the local tube station…just to let them know that you are thankful for them, they are special, they are valued and their life's message is significant…and to just floor them with the amazement that a stranger would even want to love on them!!  I would love it if these cards weren't just bought because an occasion prompted the need to buy a card for someone - but because sensing the Life filled message within the card provoked you to think of someone you were thankful for or someone who had inspired you or someone who might be going through stuff and might just need a word to encourage them…

And although it may seem to be just be a few words on a bit of card…and although it may seem like a pretty small gesture in the scheme of things…yet on the contrary everything starts and ends with a Word.  Words do literally say it all.  They go so deep…they speak so loud.  There's really something just so special about the life giving power of words.

x x x